Showing 76 - 100 of 282 Results
444 Deaths : Cyril of Alexandria by Llc, Books ISBN: 9781156372098 List Price: $14.14
Cyril of Alexandria's Christological Dialogue on the Incarnation of the Only Begotten by Najim, Rev. Michel, Gergis,... ISBN: 9781950831050 List Price: $18.00
Arguments of the Emporor Julian Against the Christians : Translated from the Greek Fragments... by (emperor of Rome), Julian ISBN: 9780371663271 List Price: $9.95
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 2 by St Cyril of Alexandria, Hil... ISBN: 9780813227719 List Price: $45.00
Pseudo-Cyril of Alexandria Commentary on the Apocalypse by Gumerlock, Francis, Gumerlo... ISBN: 9781736865163 List Price: $24.95
Cyril of Alexandria's Christological Dialogue on the Incarnation of the Only-Begotten by Gergis, Emmanuel, Gergis, E... ISBN: 9781950831210 List Price: $18.00
Cyril of Alexandria's Ontological Priority of Personhood Against Monarchianism by Mourad, Sherif ISBN: 9781950831173 List Price: $18.00
A Commentary Upon the Gospel According to S. Luke, by S. Cyrill, Patriach of Alexandria by Rober Payne Smith ISBN: 9780530138398 List Price: $27.95
Later Treatises of S Athanasius : With Notes, and an Appendix on S. Cyril of Alexandria and ... by Saint Athanasius (Patriarch... ISBN: 9781173032371 List Price: $27.75
Syriac Version of Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on Luke by Payne Smith, Robert ISBN: 9781607249399 List Price: $140.00
Commentary on the Gospel According to S John by Cyril, Saint Patriarch of A... ISBN: 9781174853494 List Price: $52.75
Arguments of the Emperor Julian Against the Christians : Tr. from the Greek Fragments Preser... by Anonymous, Anonymous ISBN: 9781148842134 List Price: $19.75
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